INDEX: 1. Premise. 2. Scope of the argument. 3. The phenomenon object of the research. 4. The genesis of research. 5. The atypical method of investigation. 6. The exceptional measurement tool. 7. A revolutionary discovery. 8. A new idea: "electric stimuli". 9. "Electric stimuli" in the scientific world: 9.1 Increase in reaction capacity; 9.2 Increase in mathematical skills; 9.3 Quantum computers; 9.4 The creation of amino acids. 10. Storing in the human brain. 11. The method/process: "organized electric stimuli". 12. The results of the long experimentation. 13. The scientific validity of the experimentation. 14. The electro/mechanic/magnetic running-in. 15. Rapidity, promptness and speed of reaction: reactivity. 16. Method/process and classical Physics. 17. Method/process and quantum mechanics: quantum entanglement. 18. The Theory of "The Increase of Reactivity". 19. Practical effects on technological devices, solid conductors, etc. 20. The revolutionary Massage Disc©.
1. Premise
It is the first time that someone obtains an industrial invention patent on the possibility of increasing the efficiency and transmission speed, the transformation of the flow of electricity and, at the same time, the "saving" of the same. This is because no one before me has ever seriously considered the possibility that the behavior of the flow of electricity, within technological devices, solid conductors, etc., can be determined by a method/process that uses "organized electric stimuli".
In this paper, I tell you the story of a journey of experiences from 2010 to today, which led, at first, to my patent for industrial invention n° 1415104/2015 and, subsequently, to my new theory: that of "Increase of Reactivity"!
I would like to emphasize, as I have done on many other occasions, that my interest is not that of "praising myself", but that of making people aware of the exceptional nature of this story. Furthermore, I would like to point out that all this was done without the use of public money of any origin, but with my own money and my family, as well as, of course, my time, energy, commitment and dedication for about three decades. Despite everything I was against ....
Before proceeding to reading, here are some notes on the main terms used. The term "technological devices" is always referred to high-tech devices (electronic, electromechanical, electromagnetic, etc.), intended for any use, especially with high-precision operation. The term "solid conductors" is always referred to any material capable of conducting electrical and optical current (electric, digital, optical, solid copper, metal tongues, etc.). Finally, the term "etc." is always referred to complex electronic systems, composed of several parts, especially if used in technological sectors where high precision of operation is required (hi-end systems, professional audio systems, acoustic speakers and headphones, monitors, sonar, radar, radio telescopes, satellite devices, aerospace, etc.).
2. The scope of the argument
This topic does not concern "Electrotechnics" or even "Electronic Engineering". Both of these branches are meant to concretize the result of the research in the product. Therefore, they are not absolutely suitable for explaining the physical phenomena that will be described later on; let alone understand them.
The scientific discipline to which this topic belongs is the "Physics". This can be divided into two branches: the "Theoretical" and the "Experimental" or "Practice". Both branches are linked together: experimental physics puts into practice the "theoretical"; or practice experiments, and the results are then explained by the theory.
This topic, therefore, is part of the "Experimental" Physics: by experimenting with practical models, we have come to discoveries. The "Theoretical" Physics will try to explain their validity and functioning.
3. The phenomenon object of the research
This research involved:
"The "behavior" that the "flow of electricity" holds within technological devices, solid conductors, etc. and the possibility of "modifying it"".
4. The genesis of research
Initially, the idea was inspired by the physical activity that athletes play in preparing their